Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sittin At Home

And wishing it was the dock of the bay but no Otis Redding for me today. But how weird, Otis and Redding. Hmmmm....Maybe it's the convergence of Jupiter, Venus and Mars and the moon, or maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's just my luck to have caught the icky cruddy chest cold that's going around or maybe I needed to stay home for a couple of days without trying to accomplish much. Drives me crazy, sitting around, but alas, if I try to get anything done, I start getting wobbly and achy. And just when I have all these amazing ideas to work on. Pinterest is definitely a great resource for lots o'cool ideas and i want, no, NEED to go and play upstairs in my cubby. Instead, I'm still in my jammies staring at HGTV but not really seeing a thing. I did watch Hoarders yesterday which was amazingly gross; (I actually gagged over one house) and it provides such incentive to simplify more! 

Which is a whole other thing: MyDeductionsOnline.com is amazing! I do tend to donate a lot to Goodwill and other charities and learned that I have not been totalling up the correct amounts for my donations. In other words, I been cheeeeetin maself outa lotsa bucks. Rats. Will definitely be using it on a regular basis whenever I take a box or two to charities.

Something that has been on mind a lot lately is circles. Are circles, oops. Is a circle. I'm not sure why this keeps coming into my head but I have this incredible need to be a part of a circle again. Meaning a sewing circle, quilting circle, healing circle - a women's circle. I think about this a lot and wonder why I have this need that keeps me awake at night. When we planned the wedding, one of the most important components was to be encircled by the kids and their love; and I have had that experience with my children before.

Even the fire circle on a campout intrigued me~

This is the dome of the National Museum in Washington DC. Loved it.

And what's more circular than a pinecone?

The circular pattern of a rug in The Empress Hotel and ....

The web we weave.

So, I've been finding circles everywhere. They surround us all the time, we simply have to see them. I've taken matters into my own hands and found a circle, I hope. First meeting is Saturday afternoon so I am hoping it goes well and that this fledgling group is just what I've searched for.

Mary Jane's Farm is a magazine I subscribe to, and Mary Jane has created a program for women to join either online or in their communities - the Farmgirl Sisterhood. Life is so busy for all of us these days that it's hard to make time to get together, so I'm seriously putting my eggs into this basket hoping that they don't get crushed. Some of the things I like to do have earned some mockery in the past, such as wanting to have sheep to shear so I could spin their wool; I still want to grow an herb garden and truly use the herbs for healing and dyeing as well as cooking. I actually like to grow and can healthy food even though it's a lot of work. There is so much left to learn too, which is another level of fun to look forward to. From what I understand, these Sisterhood groups do exactly the kinds of things that I enjoy and might even be good at.

I'm sure that my sisters are out there. I'm looking for you. Are you there?

Sunday, February 19, 2012


What do you do while you wait? I used to frantically clean everything and purge and Goodwill LOVED it. Now, I amble. I daydream. I might clean the bedroom or straighten or dust or even, like today, get pretty ambitious and work in the yard. But then, who didn't work in their yard today since it was almost 50 degrees and somewhat sunny?

So if I post a picture or two of places that generate amble-ness (ambleability?) will you understand?
This pic is of an old homestead fireplace that is so beautiful and so sad, all at once. Purely Oregon moss covered, but does it make you wonder what the house looked like and what the people were like who lived there? does me.

And then this charming stone house on OtterCrest~ now who would not love to live on a point overlooking crashing waves? This sturdy house sits on a sturdier cliff. I love the symbolism here - you cannot move me! Bring on the storms of life! Neener neener!

But today, we haven't thrown our cares to the wind nor dared the surf or sea or winds. Today, we cleaned up a bit in the backyard, started a fire in the firepit, barbecued rockfish (okay so we may have had our moment of vengeance on the sea since we did eat fish) and we lit the sparkly lights under the patio cover.  And all three of us noted that we were having a moment of pure satisfaction.

This is remarkable. Three individuals individually happy simultaneously at once even! LOL Good day. Great dinner. Good life.

Thank you.