Thursday, April 29, 2010

And the question is?

As always I have a stack of reading materials to go through for work and one of the pile this week is about questions. It seems odd but when you think about it, what matters most? The question or the answer? Well, maybe both. If we never ask questions, then how do we know we're looking for an answer? The trick is to ask the right question. When I started thinking about this, I realized that being a problem solver may not always be the best identity of which to be so proud.; Maybe it would be better to ask 'why?' like our little kids do, because truly, they have the right idea. 'I can't learn unless you tell me why.'
So, I'm trying to think of what the right questions might be in order to see a new way.... in everything. How can I do this differently? Who is a person with the right knowledge to ask the right question? Do I have the right people involved?
Mostly, I guess it is helping to see that solving a problem might not be the best solution. (smirking smile here because that's just so confusing....) Maybe it's okay to ask why?