Sunday, December 21, 2008


Hi guys,
Snow is BORING and beautiful, maybe like a Bambi kind of dumb blonde. LOL. I'm trying not to go out of my mind cause it's kind of scary to drive out in this stuff for a rainsoaked Oregonian, but even with the icy roads tomorrow, I may have to go anyplace in town within a mile, just to see some real live people!
Send me new pictures or stories or something so that I can post them for everyone to see, and we'll see if we can get this going okay?
love you, mom

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hey guys!
I haven't got a clue of what I'm doing here, but I wanted to comment on how happy I was that Dustin and Samantha updated their blog, so I had to make one, for some reason. Anyhow, i thought it would be fun to do our own little family space. So, Help!
Write news. Post pictures. Just a space for just us.
love you ,