Monday, July 5, 2010

July Already?

Where has the year gone? How did it get to be July? Wow.... So reflecting on the first half of this year sure hold a large view - a trip to the hospital starting it off; Kyle coming home; Dustin and Samantha moving home for the summer; our family reunion; Sara leaving for the summer; Scott and Cody's announcement!! Too much to remember it all but such good events over all.

It's so great to have Casey and Sharon's family so close by. They joined me at a party where Mark's band played for the 4th of July and we had a good time. It wasn't a typical 4th party for us, but fun to try something new. We played a lot of frisbee (btw, I am now the Queen of Frizz), tossed footlball around, Gideon and friend Gage danced, and Ephraim cartwheeled across the lawn for everyone. Gideon also did a demonstration of kungfu in sync with the band ~ very impressive workout for him! Simeon charmed everyone with his giggling while his Daddy threw him in the air, and Simeon also developed a distinct taste for fir cones. Gideon wrote love notes to me on my phone too....

As soon as I can, I'll get some pictures of the event and post them on here and FB.

Really looking forward to the wedding ~ and so happy for Scott and Cody. Yay!!!!!!!!

Okay, so off to get chores done today. Except that my foot hurts so I'm limping. Too much frizzbee chasing!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

And the question is?

As always I have a stack of reading materials to go through for work and one of the pile this week is about questions. It seems odd but when you think about it, what matters most? The question or the answer? Well, maybe both. If we never ask questions, then how do we know we're looking for an answer? The trick is to ask the right question. When I started thinking about this, I realized that being a problem solver may not always be the best identity of which to be so proud.; Maybe it would be better to ask 'why?' like our little kids do, because truly, they have the right idea. 'I can't learn unless you tell me why.'
So, I'm trying to think of what the right questions might be in order to see a new way.... in everything. How can I do this differently? Who is a person with the right knowledge to ask the right question? Do I have the right people involved?
Mostly, I guess it is helping to see that solving a problem might not be the best solution. (smirking smile here because that's just so confusing....) Maybe it's okay to ask why?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Me? Worry?

Why would anyone think I was worrying? Just because Kyle is going to fly about 9,000 miles home and I haven't got a clue of where he is in this huge world just, no cause for worry. ***sigh***  Wish I could say that was true. I know, I know that he's fine and safe wherever he is...but still.....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Grammy and Grandboys=Heaven

These pics were taken at Casey and Sharon's in Madras in January. How fun to be surrounded by grandsons!
Simeon laughing at his Daddy. So adorable!

Mr. Brown Eyes

Simmy and Grammy

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is It Something I Said?

Chores today....sunny out... after kind of a rotten day yesterday with a big old fat reality check, it seemed like a great idea to get out in the yard and pick up some winter storm debris, check on plants, feel the healing power of Earth. But, I couldn't get out the back screen door. The deadbolt wouldn't move. The doorknob was fine, but the deadbolt was totally stuck. So, I got my keys, went around the front and tried my key on the door, but at first the key wouldn't go in. What's the deal? Well, looks like the lock is bent.... I jiggled and wiggled the key to get it in, because once again, someone has tried the lock. The key went in but the lock was totally jammed. Mark finally got it out and now I'll go and buy a brandnew deadbolt to replace the one that was tampered with. It worked fine on Friday.

Have I offended some person? Does somebody mistakenly think that I have great wealth? Why do people want to get into my house? At least this time the screens weren't torn off and there appeared to be no other attempts, but what's going on?

After effects of this: I'll be wide awake listening for noises all night. I really need one of those big bright motion lights. Oh wait.... I have alarms on my doors. Maybe it's time to get an obnoxious yappy dog.

Whoever you are - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So there's a name for this...

and it involves cutting the ties of the superhero's called Cumulative Stress Disorder and it means that even if we believe we are very strong and very capable, we don't get to leap high buildings in a single bound or stop speeding trains. Or push ourselves to the brink of falling off and out, where we crash into hard walls of reality that have signs plastered onto the unrelenting bricks; the signs say 'Danger' and 'Slow Down' and ultimately, 'STOP.'

That dang wall really hurts. Superheros that bang into bricks may recover, but still get bruises and actually break. Hemingway wrote 'The world breaks everyone~Some become strong at the broken places.'

I will own that I broke. My body slammed into the wall and made me stop, hard.Yesterday the doctor told me that even though my heart is clear and good, it could still stop if I don't stop pushing so hard. I have separated muscles in my left side above my ribs because I have either dug my garden or split wood or done something I am not really capable of doing, but....  I do it anyway because it needed to be done. And my darned collarbone still aches because it never did get put back into place right - just from digging the garden up. Sheesh. I despise feeling fragile and incapable. Can't I carry the world on my shoulders, being Hercules (or in the Plemons/Ogle family, Harkless?) or Superunionpresident?

Road signs are there for a reason; they're not just decorative. And if we are smart, we do not go careening around sharp corners, because, just because, we might not be able to stay on the road, and we might hit the wall.

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Very Bratty Winter

Christmas Eve

Christmas Morning

A Sock Monkey from Santa!

Opening Presents with Dad

Sportin' the New Pumas from Uncle Talmage

Kash's First Bite of Real Food!

Spencer's Nightstand BEFORE:

Spencer's Nightstand AFTER:

Michelle & JoAnna "back-country snowboarding"

*New Year's Resolution: to lose 20 pounds ;)